June 17, 2024

#159. Stanford Neuroscientist Explains the Science of Manifestation - Dr. James Doty | Deep Mind Podcast

#159. Stanford Neuroscientist Explains the Science of Manifestation - Dr. James Doty | Deep Mind Podcast
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#159. Stanford Neuroscientist Explains the Science of Manifestation - Dr. James Doty | Deep Mind Podcast

Is manifestation real or just another pop culture myth and baseless hype?
It took humans 90,000 years to get from hunter-gatherers to a society of agriculture and farming. Then, it took humans about 10,000 years to become an industrialized civilizati...

Is manifestation real or just another pop culture myth and baseless hype?

It took humans 90,000 years to get from hunter-gatherers to a society of agriculture and farming. Then, it took humans about 10,000 years to become an industrialized civilization. Humans then discovered atomic power in about 200 years. Within the last century, we created computers and entered the Information Age in about 50 years. 

With awe-inspiring exponential progression, humans know surprisingly little about consciousness or what lies beneath our awareness. 

Today’s conversation will prove the science of manifestation by explaining the hidden truth underneath human consciousness.

Dr. James Doty is a neuroscientist, neurosurgeon, Stanford professor, and a best-selling author.

BTS, the world’s biggest K-pop group and arguably the world’s most popular band in history has a song named Magic Shop inspired by James’s first New York Times best-selling book, Into The Magic Shop which outlines his manifestation journey as a neurosurgeon. 

Expect to learn about what manifestation is, the great unhappiness of America, the neuroscience of manifestation, the lasting impact of words, helpful self-compassion practices, and much more on this deep thinking, psychology and science podcast episode!

You can grab his new book, Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything, on Amazon and all major bookstores.

Let’s get this started.

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Seems Like I Should've Said This...

In the past few months, some of you reached out requesting therapy or mental health support. I will be officially accepting two new clients starting today. You can email me discovermorepodcastmail. com to schedule a free 30 minutes consultation.

Discover More: The Neuroscience of Perpetual Desire

Discover more is a podcast for independent thinkers who appreciate the importance of mental health, psychology, and social sciences. Todays conversation will prove the science of manifestation by explaining the hidden truth underneath human consciousness.

In the World of Manifestation

All of us are manifesting all the time. Oftentimes that manifestation is limited by our beliefs. If you believe in infinite possibilities for yourself, then you're not limited. The goal of the book is to dissuade people from getting lost in the woo woo of manifestation.

What's Contemplative Optimism?

What's dispositional optimism? How is it different from toxic incessant positivity? Your belief is an adjunct to treatment. It is not a substitute for treatment. We can manifest allergies by simply believing in it.

Expectations and their negative impact

The problem for many people is that they get attached to an outcome. expectation is the source of most suffering. It sets you up for unhappiness. The way we should live is to have a sense of calmness about us and connection to others. This has a huge impact on our longevity.

Why Negative Self Talk Is So Common in Our Society

Why is negativity the first language of our species, speaking of evolution? And as a result, we have negativity bias. When we hear negative comments about ourselves, oftentimes those get embedded within us. In many ways the west offers nothing, except for many people, great unhappiness.

Why I Was Never Happy In My Life

There's this false narrative that if you obtain those that equates with happiness. We only see the explicit, what the society value is, but we don't see all the invisible and intangible strings that are attached. We imagine the things we want, but not the complexities they bring.

What is most important is caring for others

What is most important is caring for others, being of service, and looking through the lens of how can I help you? How you carry yourself has a profound, profound effect on how the rest of the world responds to you.

Jim Collins on the Top 1000 Books on Amazon

Jim Greene: If my actions can benefit one person, ten people, 1000 people, that's great. He says people get lost in the comparison thing. Greene: You're in a position to simply sometimes say hello to people. These types of actions can have a profound effect, he says.

What is the Secret to Manifesting Your Life?

The first thing is to understand what you're manifesting already, which we've already spoken about. The other thing is understanding the difference between what you think you want and what you actually need. The best way to instill a habit is to do baby steps.

A Plethora of Possibilities

You can manifest even when you're stressed and anxious. The best way to manifest is if you've engaged your parasympathetic nervous system. Anything is possible, maybe even on a materialistic sense. It's doing things that may seem nonsensical, but can have a profound effect.

One Korean Dad's Manifestation for His

After three years of not talking to each other, I went through tremendous sadness and grief. I started manifesting for three, four weeks leading up to my wedding day in anticipation of seeing my dad. Now everything is good now. To cultivate meaningful relationships, we have to partake in it meaningfully.

Kensuke Teaching: The Brokenness of Life

Kensuke: It is our brokenness which makes us unique. And the thing is, we should honor this brokenness. You shouldn't be afraid of the struggles and adversities that you've had to face. The goal is to live a life where you do the best you can, but understanding imperfection.

How to Change Our Stories About Yourself

One thing that I would love to drive our message home is changing our realities by changing the stories we tell ourselves. Words are very, very powerful, and especially for children. The most important thing is to be kind to yourself in how you talk to yourself and think of yourself as your best self.

Self-Compassion and the Shadow Self

A lot of people have the shadow self, and they try to push it away from them. The latest research shows that about 78% of people are kinder to other people than their selves. And we have to accept ourselves, the good, the bad and the ugliness.

In the Search for Metacognition

And in some ways, what we're talking about, and I think, which is hard, is this idea of sort of metacognition, being able to sit outside yourself and see yourself. Having even insight into the fact that you create delusions about yourself, help you sit there.

James R. Doty: A Mental Health Companion

James Doty: Do not underestimate your ability to improve the lives of another person. The other is a project that I've been working on, which is actually a mental health app for people who are suffering from many of the things. Where can people check out your book, your website, anything else?

Mental Health

There's an entity called one Humanity foundation, and its goal is to destigmatize mental health. Next year, they're trying to bring together in the month of May, which is mental Health Awareness Month. As always, I encourage you to come back to next week's train of discover more.