Feb. 10, 2020

24. Embracing Conflicts, Managing the Ego, and Exercising the Mind with Christian Buttrick

24. Embracing Conflicts, Managing the Ego, and Exercising the Mind with Christian Buttrick

This week's guest is Christian Buttrick, a high level athlete. He played college basketball at Penn State Altoona and now holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. In this episode, he shares his strategies for dealing with conflict and managing the ego. We hope you enjoy this episode of Discover More.

My brother Justin lived in Japan for a while. He started to learn how to kickbox and do Jiu Jitsu. After some traumatic experiences, I felt like some of my masculinity had been taken away. I wanted something to achieve. So I got into Jiu Jitsu. Once I started, I was like, I've never had more fun.

One thing I had always had issues with, was I was just afraid of conflict. What Jiu Jitsu does is interesting because I believe the body is the subconscious mind. If you embrace conflict with the body, I think it translates to being able to deal with conflict in a more calm way.

Carl Young said the body is the subconscious mind. By making the body better, you're in a way making your life better, and you're making things mentally better for you. I believe that there is not just mind or body, it's just one.

David and Ben started going to the gym together at 5:00 a.m. Every morning through January to March last year. It really all compounds on each other. You probably wouldn't be able to be having the career successes or the relationship successes if we hadn't started at the very bottom of taking care of our body.

Many of these things happened completely off, like psychedelics or anything. It's not about the experience. You're doing it to be more present. Despite the experiences, it's a way of coming closer to or centering yourself and bettering your life and being better to those around you.

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Discover More

This week’s guest is Christian Buttrick, a good friend and one of the most interesting guys we know. Christian is a high-level athlete. He played college basketball at Penn State Altoona and now, holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He also has thousands of hours of meditation and Kundalini Yoga under his belt, which is extremely evident in his calm presence and humility. After graduating from college and a couple of near-death experiences, Christian realized that life is too fragile to not take the risks you know you should be taking. He then took his leap; moving to Chicago to pursue a career in IT and develop his passion for Jiu-Jitsu. In this episode, he shares his strategies for dealing with conflict, managing the ego, and approaching the biggest battle that we all face; the battle within our minds. He also shares his unique perspective on competitiveness, that is, competing only against yourself while using the standards of others as inspiration and support. We also discuss the idea that the body is the subconscious mind, and how self-care practices such as yoga and meditation, are actually for the benefit of others, not just for yourself. This interview is one of our favorites to date and we think you will take a lot out of it. We hope you enjoy this episode of Discover More, with us and Christian Buttrick. Follow Christian, his jiu-jitsu journey, and more on Instagram @thee_avatar.